
Earth and Oceanographic Science (EOS) Major

The major consists of ten courses.

Select one of the following:1
EOS 1105 Introducing Earth
EOS 1305 Environmental Geology and Hydrology
EOS 1505 Oceanography
Required courses:3
EOS 2005
Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change
选择两门中级(2000-2969)或高级(3000-3999)水平的地球和海洋科学选修课. a
Select one of the following:1
BIOL 1102
Biological Principles II
BIOL 1109
Scientific Reasoning in Biology
2000-level BIOL course
CHEM 1092
Introductory Chemistry and Quantitative Reasoning II
CHEM 1102
Introductory Chemistry II
CHEM 1109
General Chemistry
2000-level CHEM course
CSCI 1101
Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI 1103
Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science
2000-level CSCI course
MATH 1300
Introduction to Statistics and Computation
MATH 1756
Data Science
MATH 1800
Multivariate Calculus
MATH 1808
2000-level MATH course
PHYS 1140
Introductory Physics II
2000-level PHYS course
Select one Solid Earth course with a laboratory:1
EOS 2105
Mineral Science
EOS 2115 Volcanology
EOS 2125 Field Studies in Structural Geology
EOS 2145
Plate Tectonics
EOS 2155 Geomechanics
EOS 2165 Mountains to Trenches
EOS 2225
Structural Geology and Analysis
Select one Earth Surface Processes course with a laboratory:1
EOS 2335
Sedimentary Systems
EOS 2345
Geomorphology: Form and Process at the Earth's Surface
EOS 2365
Coastal Processes and Environments
EOS 2375
Data Science Approaches for Hydrology
EOS 2385
Environmental Justice and Earth Surface Processes
Select one Oceans course with a laboratory:1
EOS 2515
EOS 2525
Marine Biogeochemistry
EOS 2565
Coastal Oceanography
EOS 2585
Ocean and Climate
EOS 2625
Ocean Acidification
Select one research experience course:1
EOS 3085
Quantitative Approaches to Research in Earth and Oceanographic Science
EOS 3115 Research in Mineral Science
EOS 3165
Research in Earth and Oceanographic Science: Topics in Petrotectonics
EOS 3515
Research in Oceanography: Topics in Paleoceanography
Select one senior seminar:1
EOS 3020
Earth Climate History
EOS 3070
Geoscience for the Common Good
EOS 3140
Tectonics and Climate

Earth and Oceanographic Science (EOS) Minor

The minor consists of five courses.

Required Courses
EOS 2005Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change1
Select four additional courses meeting the following criteria:4
no more than one introductory course numbered 1100–1999
at least two courses must be lab courses; and
at least three courses must be at the 2000 level or above.

Additional Information and Department Policies

  • First-year writing seminars do not count toward the major or minor requirements.
  • 只有一门课程编号1100-1999在EOS可以计算在主要或次要的要求.
  • Students may opt to begin the major with EOS 2005 Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change having previously taken BIOL 1102 Biological Principles II or BIOL 1109 Scientific Reasoning in Biology; or CHEM 1092 Introductory Chemistry and Quantitative Reasoning II, CHEM 1102 Introductory Chemistry II, or CHEM 1109 General Chemistry. 这些学生可以替代中级EOS实验课程(2000-2969)或研究经验课程(例如. EOS 3085, EOS 3165 Research in Earth and Oceanographic Science: Topics in PetrotectonicsEOS 3515 Research in Oceanography: Topics in Paleoceanography) for introductory EOS (1100–1999).
  • All courses counted toward the major or minor must be completed with a C- or better.
  • 为满足专业或辅修要求而修的课程必须获得常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)。.
  • Normally, 在其他学院或大学学习的一门课程,经部门批准,可以计入EOS专业要求.
  • 在其他机构修读的课程或海外学习项目可能不计入EOS辅修课程.
  • 将EOS专业与环境研究相结合的学生只能重复计算两门交叉列出的课程. 未成年人可以重复计算与其他部门或项目交叉列出的课程的数量. 

Independent Studies and Honors Projects

  • Independent studies and honors projects do not count toward the major or minor requirements. 
  • 中级独立学习课程根据重点领域进行编号:EOS 2970-2973 Solid Earth, EOS 2974-2977 is for Surface Processes, EOS 2978-2981 is for Oceanography, and EOS 2982-2985 is for interdisciplinary projects.
    • An intermediate collaborative study is EOS 2999.
  • 高级独立学习课程根据重点领域进行编号:EOS 4000-4003适用 Solid Earth, EOS 4004-4007 is for Surface Processes, EOS 4008-4011 is for Oceanography, and EOS 4012-4015 is for interdisciplinary projects.
    • An advanced collaborative study is EOS 4029.
  • 荣誉研究需要两个学期的工作,课程根据重点领域进行编号:
    • EOS 4050-4051 is for Solid Earth, EOS 4052-4053 is for Surface Processes, EOS 4054-4055 is for Oceanography, and EOS 4056-4057 is for interdisciplinary projects.
  • Please 请访问EOS部门网站的学生研究部分,了解有关荣誉项目的更多详细信息

Postgraduate Study

计划在EOS进行研究生学习的学生应该注意,如果他们在该系和贡献科学:生物学上选修额外的课程,他们可能会提出更强有力的申请, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, and physics. 强烈建议学生就专业设计与教师进行协商,并通过独立研究讨论研究项目的选择, fellowship-funded summer research, and honors projects.

Interdisciplinary Majors

买球平台的跨学科专业与数字和计算研究的坐标专业截然不同, education, and environmental studies. The department does not explicitly participate in formal interdisciplinary programs. However, 地球与海洋科学系和物理系为对物理感兴趣的EOS专业学生确定了主修和辅修课程(EOS主修/物理辅修)。, 对物理专业感兴趣并有EOS应用的学生(物理专业/EOS辅修). 对EOS专业/物理辅修并专注于固体地球学科感兴趣的学生最好选择以下可选物理课程:

Solid Earth Discipline
PHYS 2130
Electric Fields and Circuits
PHYS 2150
Statistical Physics
PHYS 2230
Modern Electronics
PHYS 2250
Physics of Solids
PHYS 2510
Galaxies and Cosmology
PHYS 3000
Methods of Theoretical Physics
PHYS 3010
Methods of Experimental Physics
PHYS 3020
Methods of Computational Physics


Surface Earth Discipline
PHYS 2130
Electric Fields and Circuits
PHYS 2220
Engineering Physics
PHYS 2230
Modern Electronics
PHYS 2810
Atmospheric and Ocean Dynamics
PHYS 3010
Methods of Experimental Physics
PHYS 3020
Methods of Computational Physics


PHYS 2130
Electric Fields and Circuits
PHYS 2150
Statistical Physics
PHYS 2230
Modern Electronics
PHYS 2240
PHYS 2810
Atmospheric and Ocean Dynamics
PHYS 3000
Methods of Theoretical Physics
PHYS 3010
Methods of Experimental Physics
PHYS 3020
Methods of Computational Physics
PHYS 3120
Advanced Mechanics
PHYS 3130

Information for Incoming Students 

买球平台大学的地球与海洋科学系是一个由地球科学家组成的协作社区,他们研究有关地球和气候的基本问题. In our courses and research, 我们通过取样岩石来观察和描述地球和海洋的性质和过程, soils, sediments, shells, ice, and waters. We implement a range of analytical approaches in the classroom, field, and laboratory to study Earth’s systems at all scales. From atoms to oceans, we unravel Earth’s past, understand Earth’s present, and prepare for our future. 

Where to begin?

EOS offers two introductory courses – EOS 1105 Introducing Earth in the fall and EOS 1505 Oceanography in the spring. 这些选项中的任何一个都可以计入EOS专业,并打开中级课程的大门. No placement tests are required.

EOS 1105 Introducing Earth, offered in the fall, 入门课程是针对一年级学生的吗?座位是预留给一年级学生的吗. The course explores the processes that have shaped Earth, such as: plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, rivers, glaciers, the explosion of life on Earth, and the extraction of natural resources. Classes and weekly labs provide hands-on opportunities to work with the themes of the course. You will apply the skills you’ve learned through collaborative, accessible field experiences along the Maine coast; stream modeling; exploration of our rock, mineral, and fossil collections; and examination and construction of maps, graphs, and images.  

EOS 1505 Oceanography, offered in the spring, 入门课程是否与环境研究交叉列出,并优先给一年级学生注册. The course explores the tectonic evolution of the ocean basins, the record of ocean history preserved in deep-sea sediments, global ocean circulation, waves, tides, ocean ecosystems, and the ocean’s role in climate change. 课程和每周的实验提供了与同龄人合作的实践机会,并通过物理模型探索这些主题, data collection, and computational analysis. You will apply the skills you’ve learned to authentic research projects, including a culminating field-based study of estuaries in the Gulf of Maine.

What’s next?
In upper division courses, 我们提供实践机会,参与与课程主题相关的更高级的合作研究项目. The rocky coastline, local rivers, forests, farms, estuaries, 缅因湾为研究环境和地球系统过程提供了非凡的自然实验室. For example, EOS students learn the skills and knowledge to address questions such as:

  • How do energy and materials move among the different parts of the Earth system? How do humans alter these processes from local to global scales? (EOS 2005 Biogeochemistry: An Analysis of Global Change)
  • What controls the global distribution of Earth’s natural resources? (EOS 2020 Earth, Ocean, and Society)
  • How did Earth evolve from a cloud of dust into a planet with oxygen in the atmosphere, ocean basins, and vegetated continents? (EOS 2130 How to Build a Habitable Planet)
  • What happens when continents collide, ocean basins open, and volcanoes erupt? (EOS 2145 Plate Tectonics)
  • How and why do rocks break, bend, and buckle? (EOS 2225 Structural Geology and Analysis)
  • How do water, ice, and gravity carve landscapes and build landforms? How do humans interact with and reshape landscapes? (EOS 2345 Geomorphology: Form and Process at the Earth's Surface)
  • How are environmental benefits and harms distributed among different groups of people? 人类活动如何改变地球系统?这些活动产生了什么反馈? (EOS 2385 Environmental Justice and Earth Surface Processes)
  • 我们如何利用地球上空750公里的卫星收集的数据来了解海洋的过程? (EOS 2550 Satellite Remote Sensing of the Ocean)
  • 海洋是如何影响地球气候的?随着气候的变化,海洋又是如何变化的? (EOS 2585 Ocean and Climate), (EOS 2515 Paleoceanography),(EOS 2625 Ocean Acidification)
  • The Arctic and Antarctic regions are both cold and icy; how are they similar and how are they different and why are they so sensitive to climate change? (EOS 2530 Poles Apart: Exploration of Earth’s High Latitudes)
  • 为什么缅因湾是世界上生物最丰富的海洋生态系统之一? (EOS 2565 Coastal Oceanography)
  • How have carbon dioxide and climate changed over Earth’s history? How can we use this knowledge to understand modern climate change? (EOS 3020 Earth Climate History)
  • How does climate drive tectonic processes? How do tectonic processes drive climate? (EOS 3140 Tectonics and Climate)

从追踪有害藻华是如何沿着海岸线发展到了解超级火山是如何在地球深处形成的, studies in EOS open a world of possibilities.

Other useful information

No placement tests are required for EOS courses.

  • EOS is a popular coordinate major with Environmental Studies, Education, and Digital and Computational Studies (DCS).
  • Completion of either EOS 1105 Introducing Earth or EOS 1505 Oceanography 符合环境研究协调专业的入门科学课程要求.

Who we are

This is an excerpt from the official Bowdoin College Catalogue and Academic Handbook. View the Catalogue